
César Abarca presenta a su hija

A un mes del feliz nacimiento, en casa de la familia del político Cèsar Abarca junto a su esposa Alejandra Vargas, nos presentaron a su hija Alexa.
“Alexa llegó al mundo el lunes 06 de Agosto, es una bebé maravillosa, tranquila y risueña” dijo la guapa mamá.
Respecto a sus tres hijos, César Alejandro de 12 años, Juan Pablo de 8 años y Luis Fernando de 4 años, están encantados de tener a su hermanita en casa, la besan, la abrazan y la cuidan, César Abarca considera a la familia,  “su prioridad motivacional”
César Abarca presents his daughter
One month after the happy birth, in the family home of politician Cesar Abarca along with his wife Alejandra Vargas, we were introduced to her daughter Alexa.
“Alexa came into the world Monday, August the 6th, she is a wonderful, calm and cheerful baby “the beautiful mother said.
Their three children, César Alejandro 12, John Paul 8 and Luis Fernando 4, are delighted to have their little sister at home and they kiss, embrace and take care of her, César Abarca considers the family,” his motivational priority”

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