

EL Museo Naval de Puerto Vallarta alojó la segunda exposición generacional, para lo que convocó a artistas nacidos en la década de los 70 a exponer obras recientes. Francisco Sanmiguel, artista organizador del evento, efectuó la inauguración e hizo mención de la importancia de promover el arte en Puerto Vallarta, por su naturaleza de ciudad cosmopolita. Artistas como Hector Ponce, Jeff Obser y Luz Elena Moreno abrieron la gala de la exposición.
Generational Exhibition
The second Generational Exhibition took place at the Naval Museum of Puerto Vallarta, for whic artists born in the 1970s were invited to exhibit their recent works. The artist Francisco Sanmiguel, organized the event, carried out the opening and mentioned the importance of promoting art in Puerto Vallarta, for its nature of cosmopolitan city. Artists such as Hector Ponce, Jeff Observ and Luz Elena Moreno opened the exhibition gala.

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