
Rotarios programa de becas

Muy emotiva fue la entrega de becas a niños y jóvenes de excelentes calificaciones  por parte del Club Rotario Puerto Vallarta Sur, presidido por el notable abogado Joaquín Molina, y su colega de Canadá, el Sr. Jim Webber de club Rotario Saskatoon, quienes invitaron a los felices ganadores del apoyo a seguir esforzándose en sus estudios, para que un día logren graduarse y puedan beneficiar a un niño mediante una beca. Los estudiantes expresaron su agradecimiento a los patrocinadores, que viajaron desde Canadá para entregar la beca de forma personalizada.
Scholarship Award of Rotary Club Puerto Vallarta South
Very emotional was the awarding of grants to children and young people with excellent ratings, by the Rotary Club Puerto Vallarta South, chaired by the remarkable lawyer Joaquin Molina, and his colleague from Canada, Mr. Jim Webber from the Rotary club of Saskatoon, who invited the happy winners to continue their efforts in their studies, so one day they will also graduate and benefit a child through a scholarship. The students expressed their appreciation to the sponsors, who traveled all the way from Canada to deliver the grant personally

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