Sociales Vallarta Riviera Nayarit

Teresita González Córdova, nueva titular de la DRSE

Teresita González Córdova, nueva titular de la DRSE
La Delegación Regional de Servicios Educativos (DRSE) Costa Norte de
Jalisco está dirigida por la Lic. Teresita González Córdova, quien asumió
el cargo el pasado 17 de mayo; Teresita cuenta con una Licenciatura en
Relaciones Internacionales por el Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) campus
Guadalajara, así como estudios de posgrado en la UdeG. Ha participado
activamente a favor de las causas sociales, el desarrollo comunitario, así
como el empoderamiento de las mujeres. Sin duda se esperan cambios
favorables gracias a su poder de gestión en diversos ámbitos.
Teresita González Córdova New holder of the DRSE
The Regional Delegation of Educational Services (DRSE) North Coast of
Jalisco will be headed by Miss.Teresita Gonzalez Córdova. Teresita accounts
with a degree in International Relations from the Technological Institute of
Monterrey (ITESM) campus Guadalajara, as well as postgraduate studies in
the Guadalajara University. She has participated actively in favor of social
causes, community development, as well as the empowerment of women.
Without doubt, favorable changes are expected, thanks to her management
power in various areas.
manera significativa.
Marco Antonio Cortés was elected for the second time as President of
the Centro Universitario de la Costa (CUC) for the period 2016-2019,
the symbolic ceremony was held at the Auditorium Juan Luis Cifuentes
Lemus. During his report he mentioned the consolidation of important
and substantive projects for the University community, and welcomed
teacher Judith Saldate Márquez as the new Administrative Secretary.
Present were Dr. Juan Luis Cifuentes Lemus, academic Secretary,
doctor Remberto Castro Castañeda; teacher Judith Saldate Márquez;
the Mayor of Vallarta, engineer Arturo Dávalos Peña, Joseph Ludwig
Estrada Virgin representing Governor Jorge Aristoteles Sandoval, as
well as business and opinion leaders, on the basis of the excellent work
he has done at the forefront of this important institution, which has
transformed in a meaningful way.
Marco Antonio Cortés Guardado Rector del (CUC) .
6 The

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